100 wc week 12
Hello my name is buzz one day I was eating a sandwich when I crunched down on my sandwich there was a battery in it ''Ew.''
I said. There where five batteries in it. I got the batteries and put the batteries into a toy train. The train hurried down the track.
the train went so fast ''the train is energetic''
I said it broke off the white shiny train was crushed. It was smoking a lot and I mean a lot then it blow up . I yelled ''help''
my mom came down the stairs she almost fell. she ask if I was ok and I said ''ya.''
I said. There where five batteries in it. I got the batteries and put the batteries into a toy train. The train hurried down the track.
the train went so fast ''the train is energetic''
I said it broke off the white shiny train was crushed. It was smoking a lot and I mean a lot then it blow up . I yelled ''help''
my mom came down the stairs she almost fell. she ask if I was ok and I said ''ya.''
Be sure to check your punctuation at the end of sentences.